Welcome To causing decay medication tooth
Please excuse me if I am repeating myself or going over old ground in this post but sometimes an area of public policy reappears like the proverbial bad penny, that is so pernicious, illiberal and nonsensical that it warrants dredging up some old posts, shaking the dust off still perfectly valid arg ...
Author: WeAreChangeIreland
Keywords: Fluoride Irish Health Danger Poison Water Eugenics NWO
Added: July 20, 2008
Author: andoroo984
Keywords: sodium fluoride new world order iq reduction bone cancer water health nwo 9/11CHRISTOPHER BRYSON chemical compound with the formula NaF toxoc poison poisoning Food and Drug Administration FDA
Added: March 3, 2009
Author: WeAreChangeIreland
Keywords: Fluoride Irish Health Danger Poison Water Eugenics NWO
Added: July 20, 2008
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Site about causing decay medication tooth.
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